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Ebay hangovers and the weird, weird things people have bought online under the influence…

Heavy metal “poster” ripped from a magazineWhy?
“I didn’t read the description. It was described as a poster so I thought it would be a full size thing”Cost
£8.00Drunk Level

Underwear – From @AmiLovesYouMore via TwitterWhy?
“Just got confirmation of a shipment of underwear I do NOT remember ordering.”Cost
?Drunk Level

1000 communion wafers – Via BuzzfeedWhy?
“One Saturday night I decided that instead of going to church in the morning I would order a package of 1,000 communion wafers online.” Holy eucharist, Batman!Cost
?Drunk Level

28 bags of discontinued Salsa Verde Doritos – Via DistractifyWhy?
“I found them on eBay, and apparently I just couldn’t resist”Cost
£28.00Drunk Level

Antique toy elephantWhy?
A limited edition, antique Steiff elephant on wheels.Cost
£300.00Drunk Level

Red panda hoodie – From @Wolfy_Westy via TwitterWhy?
“A red panda hoodie! Even if it was a £10 drunk purchase on ebay”Cost
£10.00Drunk Level

Game of GnomesWhy?
Seemed like a good way to make Game of Thrones live on between seasons.Cost
?Drunk Level

An absolute classicWhy?
“A Chumbawumba – Tubthumping tape for £20. I’ve never been so confused / happy when it turned up. 100% worth it”Cost
£20/$30Drunk Level

Disappointment in maintenance form – Via SingletrackWhy?
“I won a washing machine pump last week, that is broken in exactly the same way as my current washing machine pump.”Cost
?Drunk Level

Cabinet for the Borrowers – Via SingletrackWhy?
“We needed a bathroom cabinet, saw one on eBay.. It looks ok.. Bid and win, and four days later was the proud owner of a bathroom cabinet for a dolls house, three inches by five inches big.”Cost
?Drunk Level

A Sun Visor That Turns Cars Into “Cars” – Via RedditWhy?
“Drunk eBay purchase. Was not a mistake.”Cost
£9.00Drunk Level

A mug with a picture of Gary Busey on it – Via Huff PostWhy?
“Ordered it at 4 a.m. (drunk), forgot about it, showed up in my mailbox yesterday.”Cost
?Drunk Level

Brass diving helmet for a kittenWhy?
The best fish are at the bottom of the sea.Cost
£12.00Drunk Level

David Bowie cross stitch pattern – Via BuzzfeedWhy?
“A rainbow-colored cross stitch pattern of David Bowie’s face. Followed by about $200 worth of supplies. I had no idea how to f****** cross stitch.”Cost
£130+Drunk Level

Shark tooth – Via BuzzfeedWhy?
“I got a little bit drunk and too into a Megalodon special during Shark Week and ended up buying a ‘Megalodon’ shark tooth on eBay.”Cost
£196.00Drunk Level

Several children’s plush animal hats – Via DistractifyWhy?
“I don’t have children. They became my drinking caps.”Cost
£39.00Drunk Level

Hell Raiser Mask – From @_1lucky via TwitterWhy?
“Just had an email, eBay order dispatched. WHAT? I haven’t bought anything. Oh I did. 4am Sunday.”Cost
?Drunk Level

Yu-Gi-Oh Battle Card Wrist Holder – From @StephDoyleRules via TwitterWhy?
“This is what happens when you’re drunk and shopping on eBay…”Cost
?Drunk Level

An epic cat t-shirtWhy?
Cat merchandise is never a stupid purchaseCost
?Drunk Level

A badge – From @Caaryys via TwitterWhy?
“Won’t be giving a drunk @joshbower1 access to my eBay account again”Cost
?Drunk Level

Dinosaur dog hatWhy?
Needs no justification…drunk or not.Cost
?Drunk Level

The only way to travel – Via SingletrackWhy?
“Got an ebay notification pop up on my phone today telling me I am now the proud owner of a BMX! Went out on the lash last night and must of placed a bid. Can’t remember a b***** thing.”Cost
?Drunk Level

A Dinosaur Costume For A Dog – Via RedditWhy?
“Got drunk, bought a stegosaurus. No regrets. Never regret Dino Garb.”Cost
?Drunk Level

A different epic cat t shirt – Via BuzzfeedWhy?
“@LynnlyBenson was drunk and online and she bought me this tee – she said it’s my life summed up on a t-shirt”Cost
?Drunk Level

McLovin original painting – Via Danger SharkWhy?
“A few years ago, I got drunk and bought an original painting of McLovin’ (from Superbad) shooting a gun from some maniac on the street in Venice. Still not really sure if it was a good idea or a bad idea to this day…”Cost
?Drunk Level

Teletubbies headwear – From @milliebuckland1 via TwitterWhy?
“Think I was a tad drunk last night, woke up to this on my bought list on eBay hahaa po’in it around besti next week”Cost
£3.95Drunk Level

Questionable Thomas the Tank Engine Merchandise – From @dvntownsend via TwitterWhy?
“Gifts from Chinese eBay from your drunk past-self”Cost
?Drunk Level

Rotating Bowl for ToddlersWhy?
After an unfortunate incident involving drunken 3am scalding soup.Cost
£2. 52Drunk Level

Childrens’ pig ride – From @Eloise_C via TwitterWhy?
“I drunk bid on this weird pig ride on eBay, forgot until I found out I’d won it. Collection only…from Edinburgh :-/” *Buyer is from LondonCost
?Drunk Level

Many, many glowsticks – Via RedditWhy?
“I bought a pallet of emergency green glow sticks (thousands of them) for $250 after I got my engineering ring and was drunk out of my mind and drinking next to a cash and carry. We popped them all into 2 garbage cans and made the Education building very pretty for a few hours.”Cost
£163.00Drunk Level

Some of the best art of the modern era – Via RedditWhy?
“About a month ago, I was drunk redditting when someone posted a picture of his roommate’s drunk ebay purchase – a painting of a monkey holding a goblet. Apparently I found the seller he bought from, as this showed up at my door.”Cost
£39.00 (£6.50 product, £32.50 shipping)Drunk Level

Decorative rug depicting Saddam Hussein – Via DistractifyWhy?
“Went on eBay drunk…”Cost
?Drunk Level

A stuffed squirrel riding a miniature horse – Via Huff PostWhy?
“I just got drunk and bought this guy. What should I call him?”Cost
Not enough. It’s magnificentDrunk Level

Bargain caravan – Via BuzzfeedWhy?
“Got reminded this morning that I bought a caravan for a quid yesterday whilst I was drunk and now the guy’s on my case”Cost
£1.00Drunk Level

Fast food costumes – From loraloves_ via InstagramWhy?
“It’s frightening the amount of sense buying things like this makes when you’re drunk”Cost
£39.47/$60Drunk Level

Fake pee – Via BuzzfeedWhy?
“$180 worth of fake urine. My brother and I drunk discussed it for about an hour. In the end, it seemed like a good idea. Now we just have a lot of fake pee.”Cost
£117.00Drunk Level

Plastic bag full of shredded paperWhy?
£7.50Drunk Level

What’s the weirdest things you’ve purchased online after a few drinks??